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cumulate eucrites |
Cumulate eucrites are a scientifically highly interesting meteorite
group. Cumulate eucrites are mostly coarse grained and have
usually a wide range in bulk element composition due to compositional differences
in their mineralogy. Cumulate eucrites are
basically gabbros composed of low-Ca pyroxene
and calcic plagioclase. They also usually
contain minor inclusions of silica,.troilite, phosphate, chromite, ilmenite,
free metal. Several representatives of this
group are
unbrecciated: like Binda, ALH 85001 . Unbrecciated cumulate eucrites do have
only a low percentage of Ni, with <0.5 wt % Ni in the free metal inclusions. Binda,
e.g. is a polymict breccia (Garcia, Prinz 1978) . Several polymict eucrites
display also cumulate eucrite material. The texture of unbrecciated cumulate eucrites
is equigranular with spyroxene and plagioclase grains 0.5-3
mm diameter (Hess and Henderson 1949, Lovering 1975, Mittlefehldt and
The original igneous pyroxene of cumulate eucrites was
pigeonite, which has subsequently undergone subsolidus exsolution of augite
and, in some cases, inversion to orthopyroxene, with additional augite
exsolution. Hess and Henderson (1949) determined that original pigeonite in
Moore County had only partially inverted to orthopyroxene: They described
four pyroxenes in Moore County; low-Ca pigeonite developed from the original
igneous pigeonite by exsolution of coarse lamellae of augite, and
hypersthene developed from the low-Ca pigeonite through inversion and
exsolution of fine lamellae of pyroxene phases. Harlow et al. (1979) found
that the original igneous pigeonite in Serra de Mage had inverted to
hypersthene, with development of four types of augite exsolution during the
subsolidus cooling history. Similarly, in Moama the original igneous
pigeonite has exsolved augite and inverted to hypersthene (Lovering 1975a
Takeda et al. 1976). Binda is the most magnesian of the cumulate eucrites,
and the only one classified by Delaney et al. (1984) as an
orthopyroxene-cumulate eucrite. Takeda al. (1976) have shown that the
original pyroxene in Binda was a low-Ca pigeonite that exsolved augite and
inverted to hypersthene. Table 30 gives representative pyroxene analyses for
selected cumulate eucrites, and estimated primary pigeonite compositions are
plotted in Figure 42. As is the case for all HED meteorites, plagioclase in
cumulate eucrites is calcic is on average more calcic than that in basaltic
eucrites. Basaltic eucrite plagioclase has compositions in the range of
bytownite to anorthite, while in cumulate eucrites the plagioclase is
anorthite, An91-95;. A-881394 contains unusually calcic plagioclase, An,, {Takeda
et al. 1997b). The K2O contents of cumulate eucrite plagioclases are very
low typically <0.1 wt %.
The blue-metallic
ilmenite occurs as small grains in most cumulate eucrites . Only in Moama
ilmenite could not be found (Delaney et al. ,1984).
The composition of metal in the cumulate eucrites
Binda, Moama, Moore County has received only cursory study (Duke 1965,
Lovering 1964, 1975).
Based on modal abundances (Delaney et
al 1984) cumulate eucrites can be divided into 2 subgroups:
a) feldspathic cumulate eucrites
b) orthopyroxene cumulate eucrites
There is
a small but reasonable possibility that this meteorite might have originated
Mercury |
Anom. Eucrite
with Mesosiderite tendency Dho 007
Black impact
melt veins and pockets are abundant.
Thermal history: Metal phases underwent a very slow
cooling! (Yamaguchi et al)
This rare type is a cumulate eucrite,
- a monomict breccia derived from a magmaticrock having a gabbroic texture
consisting of subhedral grains of pyroxene
and plagioclase. Accessory minerals
include metal, troilite, and chromite.
Dho 007 has a variety of glass inclusions (approximately up to 10 microns in
diameter) contained in plagioclase and pyroxene grains as well
as in the form a homogeneous melt. Gas bubbles formed from shrinkage during
cooling can be found in the glass. The glass inclusions occur generally in
round shape.
glass inclusions in Dho 007 and diogenites
The glass inclusions in Dho 007 have highly silicic compositions and are
depleted in alkalis
as compared with those in other meteorites.
Although silicate melts
can be produced by low-degree partial melting of peridotites,
the resultant melts have
not highly silicic composition but only basaltic, and
a high concentration of incompatible elements (Kushiro, +31/; Baker et al.,
inclusions analyzed in the present study are almost pure silica and are not
very rich in
incompatible elements. Thus, these inclusions appear to be produced by
formation mechanism. Schiano et al. (+33/) suggest that silicic-rich glasses
in the
Earth’s upper mantle could
be generated from a very low degree of partial melting of
ma.c minerals. A
dehydrogenation of nominally anhydrous ma.c minerals by heating
or depressurization has
also been proposed as a possible formation mechanism .
However, in contrast
to the results reported here, formation of silica-rich
in clinopyroxene-bearing rocks by both mechanisms should be accompanied by
enrichments of alkali and incompatible elements. In addition, a highly silicic melt
react with olivine during the migration of melt, so the formation
of the
present inclusions requires generation in an olivine-absent system.
highly silicic melt can be produced in the early stages of incongruent
melting of
clinopyroxene, as estimated from melting experiments of clinopyroxene . In
addition, the melt generated from orthopyroxene
expected to be lower in contents of incompatible elements than that produced
clinopyroxene-bearing rocks such as basalt, because of low abundances of
elements in orthopyroxene as compared with clinopyroxene.
Therefore, our results are consistent with a silica-rich melt generated from
the incongruent melting of olivineabsent
orthopyroxenite. For Dhofar 007,
formation of the inclusions in host plagioclase
might be considered by
capturing incongruent melts of orthopyroxenite from
insights into their major
compositions. It remains unclear if the melting event that
formed these secondary
inclusions resulted from thermal heating or from shock-induced breakdown of
Based on the above
evidence from these inclusions, they cannot have originated
from a late stage residual
melt on the parent body.
The occurrence of these
secondary glass inclusions, outlining healed fractures in a single crystal,
suggests migration of melts
the crystallization process. Although the migration of highly silicic melts
considered to be di$cult because of high viscosity, the viscosity of the
of the glass inclusions analyzed might have decreased because of the
Consideration of the data reported above allows an interpretation of the
petrogenesis of these glass inclusions. First, silica-rich melt penetrated
into fractures in
host mineral. Later annealing healed the fracture and tiny droplet glass
remained. Then, the daughter minerals precipitated from the inclusion melt
and, finally, the remaining silicic melt solidifed. By this time, the glass
inclusions were modifed to the shape of negative crystals, which were
elongated along
cleavage direction of the host mineral orthopyroxene.
Kouhei Kitazato+ and Masanori
Department of Earth and
Planetary Science, University of Tokyo,
Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Department of Planetary
Science, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science,
Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency, Yoshinodai, Sagamihara
Institute of Geoscience,
University of Tsukuba, Tennodai, Tsukuba
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DaG 995 - very unusual eucrite,
partly cumulated, fresh like a Fall!!
Found 2001 January 3
Achondrite (eucrite)
A single stone of 56.12 g partly covered by fusion crust was found 2001 January 3 by an anonymous finder in the sand desert of Dar al Gani. Classification and mineralogy (A. Greshake and M. Kurz): has subophitic texture with plagioclase laths embedded in exsolved Ca-pyroxene, augite, and silica; several areas of the meteorite are
recrystallized; plagioclase, An89.5 (range An88.4-90.6); exsolved Ca-pyroxene with pigeonite lamellae, Fs51.8-60Wo5-15.2 and augite lamellae, Fs31-34.2Wo37.3-40.5; unexsolved augite Fs30.7Wo40.6; minor phases include orthopyroxene, ilmenite and Ti-rich chromite; plagioclase contains small crystallographically orientated inclusions of augite, pigeonite, and silica; augite
contains small plagioclase and Ti-rich chromite inclusions; the sample appears to be unbrecciated
in thin section; low degree of shock; low degree of weathering. Main mass
with anonymous finder; type specimen 11.6 g plus 1 PTS MNB.
0,2g sold;
1.2g slice sold;
1.231g slice
24x21mm $160; 3.67g endpiece with crust $430;
mostly with fresh sparling black crust
Available only through us!